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An impactful spring conference season showcases Center for Interprofessional Education scholarship

C-IPE teams have been busy presenting at professional IPE conferences across the nation. Here’s a round-up of recent presentations and a look at what’s coming next.

National Academies of Practice (NAP) 2024 Annual Meeting & Forum

The NAP 2024 Annual Meeting & Forum was held in Jacksonville, Florida on March 14-16, 2024. The theme was “Synergizing Strengths: Uniting Professions for Strategic Impact.” The event brought together health care professionals from across the country who are dedicated to transforming health and well-being through collaboration.

In addition to inducting six U-M community members as Distinguished Fellows, C-IPE teams led two of the three roundtable discussions. Topics included:

How does a Center for IPE Add Value to a System?
Vani Patterson, Lauren Gardner, Laura Smith, Rajesh S. Mangrulkar

This roundtable focused on understanding the needs of stakeholders, scanning the environment for existing enterprise data, exploring the data to reveal the path forward and assembling teams to drive change.

Interprofessional activities to promote health and wellbeing of community members with low-income
Caitlin Ferguson, Hannah Edwards, Natalya Salganik, Kahli Zietlow, Michelle Pardee

This roundtable discussed the inception of the Interprofessional Community Health Collaborative (ICHC) at the University of Michigan as a model for community engagement. Participants explored strategies, best practices and barriers to interprofessional community health activities.

Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference+ (TforT:AC+)

TforT:AC+ took place virtually on March 25-27, 2024. This is a three-day conference that immerses participants in a series of keynote sessions, workshops, short talks, roundtables and open dialogue. This year’s theme was “Teaching toward Collaborative Approaches to Care.”

C-IPE submitted an abstract that was accepted for a short talk. The presentation outlined how C-IPE revised the Introduction to Interprofessional Education module to better integrate the student voice while also setting a foundation for learning about collaborative health care that will shape early learners on their journey to becoming health care providers.

Transforming an Online Introductory IPE Module: Integrating Health Equity and Student Voices
Hannah Edwards, Natalya S. Salganik, Sharmi C. Amin, Olivia S. Anderson, Karen E. Downing, Chasity L. Falls, Vani Patterson, Danielle Rulli

Health Professions Education (HPE) Day

C-IPE co-hosted the annual HPE Day on April 2, 2024 at the Michigan League. The event centered around the theme “Advancing Interprofessional Education, Health Equity and Innovation in Health Professions Education and Practice.” The event included 69 poster presentations covering topics such as community engagement, health care equity and innovation.

Selections from the interprofessional education category included:

Piloting TEAMS activities: observing and analyzing healthcare interprofessional teamwork among undergraduate nursing students
Grace Kanzawa-Lee, Susan Wintermeyer-Pingel, Nicole Smith, Amy Buckenmeyer, Hannah Edwards, Michelle Pardee

Experiential IPE opportunity: leveraging students to optimize workflows in ambulatory care
Chloe Miwa, Vani Patterson

Advancing IPE though evaluation: exploring best practice innovations
Debra Mattison, Hannah Edwards, Laura J. Smith

Community-embedded faculty practice to improve health student practice readiness in an interprofessional student-run free clinic
Megan Eagle, Kelly Shakoor, Rick Barinbaum, Sarah Vordenberg

Health & disability experiential interprofessional education: An occupational and physical therapy student perspective
Tana’iya Wilson, Audrey Plouffe, Laura Smith

Interprofessional education in physical therapy: a systematic review of collaborations with occupational therapy and speech language pathology in community settings
Emily Ahern, Amy M. Yorke, Emily Newberry, Leslie M. Smith, Laura J. Smith

Refining the strategic vision for the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education
Hannah Edwards, Vani Patterson, Lindsay Telega, Jessica Bixby, Rajesh Mangrulkar

Exploring team dynamics and leadership styles in health science education
Sharmi Amin, Hannah Edwards, Olivia Anderson, Danielle Rulli

The value of student engagement in the development of IPE offerings
Hannah Edwards, Debra Mattison, Natalya Salganik, Sharmi Amin, Blake Hardin, Alisha Razi, Olivia Anderson, Vani Patterson, Danielle Rulli, Laura Smith

Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) Virtual Conference

MIPERC will host its 2024 conference on September 13-14, 2024. The 2024 theme is “Igniting the Core Competencies.”

C-IPE will be strongly represented at this conference, making up approximately 30% of the conference presentations.

Participation includes:


Strategies for Interprofessional Collaboration in Practice
Facilitator: Rajesh Mangrulkar
Panelists: Michelle Pardee will be joining co-panelists from Texas Christian University, EMU, CMU, and Texas Woman’s University

JDEI Strategies – Impact of Interprofessional Collaboration
Panelists: Erin Khang will be joining co-panelists from Idaho State University, CMU, and GVSU

Three-Slide Presentations

Identifying Areas of Opportunity for Education and Improve the Overall Quality of Patient Management in Infants with Plagiocephaly through an Interdisciplinary ApproachLindsay Marquardt 

Navigating Social Identities in Experiential Interprofessional Education Olivia Anderson, Chinwe E. Eze, Laura Smith, Debra Mattison, Hannah Edwards

Igniting the Core Competencies Truly Takes a Team! Strategize the Implementation of the New IPE Core CompetenciesLaura Smith, Debra Mattison, Hannah Edwards 

The Value of Student Engagement in the Development of IPE Offerings
Hannah Edwards, MHM; Natalya Salganik, Sharmi Amin, Blake Hardin, Olivia Anderson, Debra Mattison, Vani Patterson, Laura Smith

Advancing Health & Disability Interprofessional Learning through Partnerships with Community AgenciesLaura Smith, Jeanne M. Andreoli, Jillian Woodworth, Audrey A. Plouffe, Steven R. Erickson

The Impact of Leadership Styles on Interprofessional Competency Development
Mark Edwards, Sharmi Amin, Hannah Edwards

30-minute oral

Mobilizing Minds: Empowering Students through Interprofessional Early Mobility SimulationJulie Jacob, Nicholas Prush, Angela M. Smith, Denise Campbell, Leslie M. Smith

Mitigating Mindsets: Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration for Cognitive Bias Awareness in Healthcare Education
Julie Hollenbeck, Leslie M. Smith, Carman Turkelson, Jillian Woodworth, Deanna Carr-West

C-IPE has also submitted a number of abstracts to Nexus Summit 2024, taking place virtually on September 24-26 and September 30-October 1, 2024. Registration is now open!

For more scholarly publications and presentations, visit the C-IPE website.