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Spring 2021 Experiential Activities…

With the IPE Faculty Community of Practice on and more, U-M Center for IPE ramps up focus on health practice.

How HPE Day Innovated

The COVID-19 pandemic shutdown canceled most of University of Michigan Health Professions Education Day 2020, but a year later in April 2021 the event succeeded in a new virtual normal. In fact, it featured innovations and practice-based content that deepened the experience for many of the nearly 200 participants.

“How do you feel at the end of the day when you have been part of a really good high-functioning interprofessional team in the clinical/learning environment?” That was a question posed by Elena Umland of the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education as she delivered the 2021 keynote address on “Evaluating the TEAM: Moving from the classroom into the clinical learning environment.” She described the development and implementation of the JTOG instrument used to measure teamwork and IPEC competencies for all Jefferson’s programs. View her address to learn more about JTOG. Also notable at HPE Day were groups of live lightning talks delivered by faculty and students on related topics, such as Patient Care and Interprofessional Education. Upon review of attendee feedback, HPE Day co-organizer Caren Stalburg said: “Lightning talks are here to stay.”

June 1 IPE Community of Practice (Experiential)

The most recent U-M IPE Community of Practice session was Tuesday, June 1. We explored experiential learning, an important initiative of the U-M Center for IPE. Learn more at the U-M IPE Faculty Canvas site.

IPE Experiential Workgroup Moves into Gear

In keeping with a Center for IPE strategic goal to increase interprofessional activities and offerings in health practice settings, impressive work continues at the Curriculum Committee’s Experiential Workgroup. Workgroup chair Jamie Park of the U-M College of Pharmacy keeps the group’s monthly meetings focused on the first-year charge to “support 2-4 pilot projects of different formats for IPE in experiential settings”–and ultimately to scale these up to full curricular opportunities. In their May 2021 workgroup meeting, members gave valued feedback in response to team project presentations from the 6th cohort of Interprofessional Leadership Fellows (who are focused specifically on practice settings). Among the points the workgroup shared with the IPL Fellows:

  • Important learning moments could be missed if the professionals-in-training don’t watch each other interact with the patient/client.
  • Consider using the IPE competencies and sub-competencies as a lens to analyze the work.

Piloting Paging and More

A pilot for an interprofessional paging curriculum for medical and social work students had been discussed at previous Experiential Workgroup meetings. It was also referenced in a recent Michigan Medicine blog postabout a new program that helps prepare graduating medical students for residency through a comprehensive paging curriculum: described as “a collaborative approach to learning.”

In case you missed it: See also the description of Jamie Park’s recent experiential pilot onPharmacy and Medical Students In-Patient Pre-Rounds.

“Despite all the distractions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Center for IPE participants were able to proceed with important next steps in achieving our strategic goals,” said Frank Ascione, the Center for IPE’s founding director. “Our focus on exposing faculty to IPE principles and increasing participation through Communities of Practice and HPE Day is a significant step forward. Equally important are our pilot efforts around developing models of team-based care that we can provide to students in the near future.”