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4th Cohort of Interprofessional Leadership Fellows Graduate

Congratulations are virtual for now, but appreciation of their projects and work is very real!

In June 2020, the 15 graduating University of Michigan faculty Interprofessional Leadership (IPL) Fellowsof the fourth cohort (2019-20) were honored in video remarks by Center for Interprofessional Education (IPE) Director Frank Ascione (see video below) and a virtual presentation of their projects here (also below). Please see the virtual presentation of their faculty team projects on Twitter with the#IPLfellows hashtag. We also hope for a future celebration and reunion with the other cohorts of IPL fellows, after COVID-19 safety precautions are further eased. In years past, such gatherings included discussion with Michigan Center for IPE Executive Committee members on how to continue to expand interprofessional education and practice efforts at U-M.

“This year, the Interprofessional Leadership Fellows developed a set of incredible projects around key topics effecting patient and population health: chronic illness, opioid addiction, patient safety, and provider burnout,” said Tazin Daniels, CRLT assistant director and lead for IPE. “Together, these projects showcase the power and necessity of interprofessional collaboration to advance both healthcare practice and education.”

Click on titles below to view PDFs and learn more about the projects this cohort of fellows worked on during their 18-month fellowship:

Chronic Crusaders – Uniting to Protect the Community in a Health Emergency (PDF)

Interprofessional Initiative to Reduce Burnout (PDF)

A Case-Based Virtual Simulation to Improve Interprofessional Communication Regarding Patient Safety (PDF)

Developing Interprofessional Communication Practices for the Opioid Naive Population (PDF)

Also: Watch related short videos by these three IPL Fellow presenters.

Congrats, Cohort 4, and Stay in Touch!