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U-M Interprofessional Leadership Fellows Announced for 2020-21

Congratulations to the 5th cohort of faculty IPL Fellows–the first to focus on experiential learning.

UPDATE: Cohort 4 Fellows Project Descriptions:

The University of Michigan Interprofessional Leadership (IPL) Fellows program is pleased to welcome its fifth cohort of participants. They are the first IPL fellows whose team projects focus predominantly on interprofessional collaboration in experiential initiatives, such as clinics or community settings. See list of new fellows below, and read their short bios.

The educators and practitioners entering this 18-month IPL Fellows program will participate in a campus-based interprofessional learning community facilitated by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT). They also will have an internationally acclaimed interprofessional training brought to Ann Arbor for them: it’s a customized version of the University of Toronto Centre for IPE’s three-day interprofessional training program on “Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care: Advancing the Future of Healthcare (“ehpic™”). The well-established program coaches participants in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors to lead interprofessional education and practice initiatives. In addition to IPL Fellows, a small number of U-M faculty interested in experiential interprofessional education can be accommodated in the training; applications are due April 12 for the May 5-7 program.

Several of the new 2020-21 fellows have clinical appointments at Michigan Medicine, and they represent the U-M schools of social work, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, nursing, and kinesiology, as well as U-M Flint’s College of Health Sciences. Among other activities, the fellows participate annually at U-MHealth Professions Education Day (registration is now open for the April 14, 2020 HPE Day). The new fellows join the 67 preceding IPL faculty fellows, who have launched impactful multidisciplinary team projects. Their work and the network they represent have resulted in a variety of new interprofessional courses,publications, andawards.

“The fifth cohort of IPL fellows are joining an important network of U-M faculty advancing interprofessional education and practice,” said Frank Ascione, founding director of the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education. “They bring forth experience and momentum from several health science schools, for the interprofessional evolution that is making the University of Michigan a leader among IPE programs. Ultimately, it will be our students, patients, and communities who will benefit from their team-based work.”

The IPL Fellows program was founded in 2016 and is funded by the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education with support from the U-M Transforming Learning for the Third Century Initiative and the deans of the seven health science schools located in Ann Arbor: School of Dentistry, School of Kinesiology, Medical School, School of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, and School of Social Work.

Interprofessional Leadership Fellows 2020-2021

School of Dentistry: Elizabeth Hatfield and Martha McComas

School of Kinesiology: Adam Lepley

School of Nursing: Laura Prochnow

College of Pharmacy: Emily Ashjian and Kristin Klein

School of Public Health: Angela Beck

School of Social Work: Rick Barinbaum, Katie Doyle, and Susan Radzilowski

UM- Flint College of Health Sciences: Shane Spaulding

Read these IPL Fellows’ short bios.