To take collaborative skills and practice to the next level.
What if faculty and health practitioners from across the University of Michigan could come together for a few days in early May for a free, intensive, content-rich program aimed at catalyzing change in health care via interprofessional education and collaborative practice?
Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education has made plans to again offer University of Toronto’s Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care (ehpic TM) program in Ann Arbor May 5-7, 2020. This highly respected program is designed to equip leaders with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to teach learners and fellow colleagues the art and science of working collaboratively for patient-centered care. (Learn more about the program here. Please note that the program runs for 5 days in Toronto, but U-M would condense it to no more than 3 days.)
March 2020 update: Covid 19 distancing recommendations could affect the format of this program; details remain to be determined. In whatever format this faculty development program is offered, no cost to participants is expected.
If you are interested, please complete this form by April 12. If you have any questions, contact
Feedback on the workshop from last year’s U-M attendees included:
- “My interprofessional work will be more meaningful and intentional now,” said Adam Marks, an assistant professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at U-M, adding that the workshop “made the implicit explicit.”
- “It’s super-interesting, and I appreciate that the model focuses on patients as part of the health care team,” said Kate Balzer, a social worker turned project manager at Michigan Medicine.
- “On Monday, I started with no knowledge OR enthusiasm! Today I leave with a wealth of knowledge and so many ideas to implement in my area of practice. Truly highly professional team of facilitators, depth of knowledge on the subject, Respectful engaging and exemplary teachers. I learned a lot. Thank you, Team Toronto!” – from an anonymous participant.
- More information on the experiences of 2019 participants.