With posters, presentations, awards, and more, U-M faculty and students enjoyed a successful 2018 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research conference.
As a robust regional interprofessional education association, the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research Center (MIPERC) has met every autumn for eleven years. This annual conference enables a lively exchange of new scholarship and best practices. With guiding support from the National Center for Interprofessional Education and Practice, MIPERC’s members now include 25 universities and partner organizations from six midwestern states.
The University of Michigan has had an increasing presence with MIPERC since the founding of U-M’s own three-campus Michigan Center for IPE (in 2015). U-M participants in the eleventh annual MIPERC conference in Grand Rapids in late September 2018 continued the trend. Impressively, U-M faculty and students received two of six MIPERC awards at the 2018 conference.
U-M Awards:
The U-M interprofessional team that received this award includes Mark Fitzgerald, DDS, of the School of Dentistry, Joseph House, MD, of the Medical School and the rest of the Michigan Medicine team who staff the Interprofessional Clinical Experience (ICE). Fitzgerald and House were credited for leveraging the expertise gained serving on the Michigan Center for IPE Executive Committee leadership team to bring medical and dental students together for ICE. “Together they can now shadow health professionals, such as pharmacists, social workers, nurses, physical therapists, to learn about team-based care and interprofessional education,” explained Center for IPE Director Frank Ascione in his award nomination. “This is a unique partnership because dentists and physicians are rarely educated together. In addition, they are being formally exposed to the work of other professions in the clinical setting in a multidisciplinary way.”
Dual public health/public policy student Stuart Hammond brought “student hotspotting” to University of Michigan in fall of 2017, soliciting support from five health science schools so students could help address non-medical needs of highly complex patients. His introduction to hotspotting at a summer internship with Camden Coalition in New Jersey convinced him that unstable housing, isolation, and other social challenges often need to be addressed for medical interventions to be successful. Hammond is now a student representative on the Michigan Center for IPE Executive Committee and co-chair for its new IPE Student Advisory Committee. “Based on the energy and commitment shown by Stuart and other IPE student leaders at U-M, we have great hopes for the contributions their advisory committee will make to interprofessional education and care at U-M,” said Center for IPE Assistant Director Vani Patterson in her award nomination.
Stuart Hammond was among nearly a dozen IPE enthusiasts from the University of Michigan who attended and/or presented at the 2018 MIPERC conference. He called it “a very rewarding experience,” and added: “The presentations have broadened my understanding of what IPE entails and how it can improve the health care system. It’s been inspiring to see the innovative work that students, faculty, and providers are doing to develop and implement interprofessional care.”
U-M Posters and Presentations:
Performing a Situational Awareness Interprofessional Educational Activity to Demonstrate Cognitive Bias in Health Care; Julie Hollenbeck and Leslie Smith, poster presenters from UM-Flint College of Health Sciences. Co-author: Carman Turkelson.
Interprofessional Education Population Health Simulation: Chronic Disease Management for Diabetes Mellitus; Ebbin Dotson, poster presenter from U-M School of Public Health. Co-authors: Amy Yorke, Paul Walker, Michael Clay, Erin Khang.
Faculty and Administrators’ Perceptions about Interprofessional Education (IPE) Effective Implementation and Sustainability: A Qualitative Case Study; Ghaidaa Najjar, poster presenter from U-M College of Pharmacy.
Preparing Professionals for IPE: An Interprofessional Collaboration Seminar with Clinical Experiences; Mark Fitzgerald, podium presenter from U-M School of Dentistry. Co-authors: Thomas Templin, Jolene Bostwick, Marilyn Filter, Emily Ginier.
Interprofessional Educational Experience for the Improvement of Roles and Responsibilities Knowledge across Three Health Professions; Leslie Smith, podium presenter from UM-Flint College of Health Sciences. Co-authors: Amy Yorke, Susan Trojanowski, Wendy Beattie, Kevin Geltz, and Maria Keelon.
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