The 2018-19 cohort represents innovation and growth in U-M’s heralded faculty development program.
UPDATE: Cohort 3 Project Descriptions:
- Team Apollo: introduction module for undergraduate and graduate students on interprofessional communication.
- Team Move: pilot interaction with pharmacy and kinesiology students, using evidence to inform effective teamwork and team-based practices about the impact of movement on chronic disease management (incorporating patient cases).
- IPE Fab Five: increasing first-year health science undergraduates’ awareness and perception of IPE/IPC, with pre-test, online module, facilitated discussion, critical response papers, and post-test.
- Team COHSE: revising and delivering an occupational health and safety course for U-M graduate students in occupational health (i.e., occupational epidemiology, industrial hygiene, industrial and occupational engineering, and occupational health nursing), and testing its effectiveness in enhancing student skills in interprofessional collaborative practice.
- Team Lemonade Stand: introduction to IPE and each health discipline, with pre-test, online discussion forum, and a simulation experience with standardized patients.
About Cohort 3 IPL Fellows:
A record 20 educators in the third cohort of the Interprofessional Leadership (IPL) Fellows program highlights the growing interest in and commitment to interprofessional education (IPE) at University of Michigan. (See a listing of the 20 new fellows below.) The new fellows will add to the accomplishments of the preceding 32 IPL faculty fellows (17 in the second cohort and 15 in the first cohort, respectively), who have launched eight multidisciplinary team projects to date. These projects have won regional awards and have already contributed to the growing landscape of interprofessional health education and practice in Michigan and beyond. Projects range from expanding online interprofessional foundational experiences for U-M students to creating a patient-care simulation around chronic disease management. The projects show the possibilities for transforming the future of collaboration in health education and care.
IPL Fellows apply as individuals and are assigned to interprofessional teams that collectively determine a project to execute throughout the duration of the program. This year, in a first for the program, a pre-existing team of four scholar-educators were selected together as IPL Fellows. As members of the U-M Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering (COHSE), these new IPL fellows from nursing, public health, and engineering will develop IPE within the COHSE academic programs. With an existing curriculum that already brings together students of multiple professions, they hope to use the fellows program as a launching pad to make the COHSE programs truly and intentionally interprofessional.
Also new this year are Ginsberg Center Community Engagement Grants for Interprofessional Education. Faculty grant applications are due February 16, 2018, and each team must include at least one past or current IPE Fellow.
“I am excited to welcome our third cohort of fellows, who will expand the number of U-M faculty capable of leading our efforts to implement interprofessional education and practice on our campus,” said Frank Ascione, director of the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education.
The fellows represent the U-M schools of dentistry, kinesiology, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and social work, as well as U-M Flint’s schools of nursing and health professionals & studies. During the 18-month program, the fellows will participate in a campus-based interprofessional learning community facilitated by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT).
“This third cohort of fellows further expands U-M’s leadership capacity for IPE, as this group of faculty develops projects to implement the vision of fully integrated interprofessional education on campus,” said CRLT executive director Matt Kaplan.
Among other activities, the fellows attend one of several national Interprofessional Faculty Development Program “train the trainer” workshops. Also, the IPL team projects are showcased annually at U-M Health Professions Education Day, next scheduled for April 3, 2018. HPE Day registration is now open.
The Interprofessional Leadership Fellows program was founded in 2016 and is funded by the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education with support from the provost’s Transforming Learning for the Third Century Initiative, and the deans of the seven health science schools located in Ann Arbor: School of Dentistry, School of Kinesiology, Medical School, School of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, and School of Social Work.
IPL Fellows Cohort 3, 2018-2019
School of Dentistry Fellows: Danielle Furgeson and Elisabeta Karl
School of Kinesiology Fellow: Pete Bodary
Medical School Fellows: Carrie Bell and Jaynee Handelsman
School of Nursing Fellows: Diane Asher and Elizabeth Duffy (see also COHSE Fellows for profile on Marjorie McCullagh)
College of Pharmacy Fellows: Jeong Park and Amy Thompson
School of Public Health Fellows: Tom Braun and Laura Power (see also COHSE Fellows for profiles on Stuart Batterman, Rick Neitzel, and Marie O’Neill)
School of Social Work Fellows: Mary Eldredge and Shanna Kattari
University of Michigan, Flint, Fellows: Reza Amini (School of Health Professions & Studies) and Judy Haefner (Nursing)
Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering (COHSE) Fellows: Marjorie McCullagh (School of Nursing), Stuart Batterman (College of Engineering and School of Public Health), Rick Neitzel (School of Public Health), and Marie O’Neill (School of Public Health)
Literature, Science, and the Arts: Adam Eickmeyer (Health Sciences Scholars Program)