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Center for Interprofessional Education signature

MCubed funds $60k for interprofessional competencies project

Faculty from the School of Kinesiology and Medical School collaborate to launch a new project that will advance interprofessional competencies. The project, Using Learning Analytics to Assess Interprofessional Competencies, was proposed by Melissa Gross and Thomas Templin from the School of Kinesiology in collaboration with Caren Stalburg from the Medical School. The faculty team was awarded $60,000 for their project by MCubed, a research funding program that is housed in the University of Michigan Office of Research and is part of the Third Century Initiative.

The goals of this project are to create a conceptual framework that maps interprofessional competencies, to embed the map in a digital infrastructure, to collect learning analytics data from formal and informal interprofessional learning experience from both instructors and students, and to test hypotheses about the effectiveness of different learning experiences for achievement of interprofessional competencies by students.

See more about the project here.