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“Health Professions Education Day” Draws Enthusiastic Crowd

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September 16 marked the first ever Health Professions Education Day at the University of Michigan. Educators from across the seven health science schools shared educational innovations and best practices during a poster session, followed by a keynote address from Dr. Catherine DeAngelis, former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. A local panel responded to Dr. DeAngelis’ talk and discussed the current movement towards interprofessional education.

Over 200 faculty, staff, students and alumni participated with representation from the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education; Medical School; School of Nursing; College of Pharmacy; School of Dentistry; School of Kinesiology; School of Public Health; School of Social Work; School of Health Professions and Studies (Flint); College of Literature, Science and the Arts; A. Alfred Taubman Health Sciences Library; Office of Digital Education and Innovation; Center for Research on Learning and Teaching; Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research; and other units.

Twitter users captured the highlights of the day:

Trust is the basis of professionalism. DeAngeles at #HPEDay
— R. Brent Stansfield (@rbstansfield) September 16, 2015
I like how Dr DeAngelis is talking about humanity in medicine. Doctors = not infallible, not robots. #HPEday
— Sarah Tomlinson (@SarahT_MD) September 16, 2015
“At #Michigan we value diversity and we value it on the ground.” Melissa Gross dept of kinesiology #HPEday #IPE
— Margeaux Naughton (@margeauxr) September 16, 2015
Bruce Mueller at Pharmacy: professionalism in interprofessional context is knowing when to lead and when to be quiet. #hpeday #meded
— R. Brent Stansfield (@rbstansfield) September 16, 2015
Commonalities across the profession “primacy of the patient” and “responsibility to citizens across our state” Raj Mangrulkar #IPE #HPEday
— Margeaux Naughton (@margeauxr) September 16, 2015
CDDA: what you have here is magical. Make sure you share it! #hpeday
— P. F. Anderson (@pfanderson) September 16, 2015

The event was sponsored by the Division of Professional Education in the Medical School Department of Learning Health SciencesMichigan Center for Interprofessional EducationCenter for Research on Learning and TeachingOffice of Digital Education & Innovation.

View the social media recap on Storify.

Access the event website and complete set of abstracts.