Team-Based Clinical Decision Making brings together more than 300 students from Pharmacy, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Social Work.
Recent Articles About the Course:
Not Sandbox Teamwork: Class Teaches True Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration (August 2017 Michigan Health Lab blog post): When students of medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy and social work carry out patient care via group simulations, a new understanding of one another’s roles results.
Teamwork, the Future of Health Education and Practice (July 2017 College of Pharmacy article): “Incorporating meaningful interprofessional education (IPE) into curricula to better equip students to enter and shape clinical practice can be challenging,” explains Gundy Sweet, PharmD. She is a clinical professor of pharmacy and director of the course, and she is also lead author of the recent paper, “Moving from individual roles to functional teams: a semester-long course in case-based decision making,” which was published in the June edition of the Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice.
General Background
The course is led by faculty representing each school or college. This course is the beginning of a broader Interprofessional Education (IPE) effort on campus to transform the way that health professions students learn.
“In our educational system, students in the health sciences are still educated in silos. When they enter into practice they work in interdisciplinary teams,” said Gundy Sweet. “This course helps us to break down barriers and see the world from a different perspective.” Read more