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IPE Faculty Win Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize

A new large-scale IPE course is among 5 University of Michigan faculty projects that were chosen as winners of the seventh annual Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize.

Team-Based Clinical Decision Making, a two-credit course developed by faculty from the College of Pharmacy and the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Social Work, focuses on two core competencies for interprofessional education: understanding professional roles and developing teamwork skills.

Through a series of learning activities, students teach each other about their respective disciplines, critically reflect on their own work within the team, and set goals for future interactions.

The course’s impact on students’ attitudes towards interprofessional practice and skills for effective teamwork has the potential to influence the way that U-M graduates shape health care delivery.

“My understanding of the roles that other health care professionals play in providing patient care has increased exponentially over the last two months, and I feel much more prepared for future collaboration now that their roles are not such a mystery,” wrote Emily Jaynes, PharmD student. Read more.